Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Adventures in Social Security and Housing

Today has been a long day. Disney will make a morning person of me yet. I had to wake up at five today to catch a 6:45 bus at The Commons (which is about a two or three block walk from my apartment complex). Naturally, it was slow going but I'm sure I'll get used to it. The weather decided today was a good day to be rainy and chilly-- not so good for those of us who had to walk to The Commons. I got there roughly 30-35 minutes before I had to be (always good to be early), and waited around. Thankfully the rain didn't downpour until after I found shelter at the clubhouse. I talked to some of my fellow CPs waiting on the bus, and met one working in Fantasyland with me. Someone from Tomorrowland and a Maine Street photopass photographer were also there. We chit-chatted about all things Disney whilst attempting not to freeze. I met up with Alyssa again, and we started the long process of obtaining new social security cards.

A cast member checked over all of our paperwork before admitting us onto the bus, and we began the drive. It was long, but I kept busy with conversation and trying to deduce which country some of the international students were from. The whole process was very organized and ran smoothly, as all things do when Disney is in charge. Basically we got numbers, filled out paperwork...etc. etc. All boring stuff. All I wanted to do was go back to sleep... or at least get another cup of coffee and a proper breakfast.

The ride back from social security was fun. Alyssa found out the CP sitting near us was from her hometown, and they chit chatted a bit. Had some laughs with the bus driver. Alyssa is from Pennsylvania and he was from Philly, so naturally we had to talk which was the best place to get a Philly Cheese Steak Sandwhich in Philadelphia. Unfortunately, there aren't any places around Orlando that have any good ones. (bummer).

After that, it was a cold, wet walk back to the apartment. I only got to sit down for a moment before I was up again and walking back to The Commons again for the Housing Meeting.

Everyone kept saying, "Oh it's really boring." Blah blah blah. I actually enjoyed myself. The cast members were very informative and enthusiastic. You could feel the Disney magic radiating through the room. There was music and strobe lights-- it was one big party (an informative party). Brian and Brittany were in charge of the orientation-- both former cast members now full time employees. They told jokes, and acted out funny sarcastic anecdotes to help us understand. It was a very effective way of making everything stick. I even won a prize for answering a trivia question! The video montage was the best-- it took all my strength not to cry. We get an actual graduation! I'm so happy here. I feel like I'm actually doing something valuable, and having a great time doing it.

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